Achieve financial transformation and agility across the enterprise
paid Financial visibility

Achieve financial transformation and agility across the enterprise

To build a future-proof organization, companies must change how they operate

Today’s organizations are facing increased competition from all sides. Disruptive business models and digital-native firms are stealing market share, forcing traditional organizations to react fast—or become obsolete. There's opportunity in the disruption, but to unlock it, companies must learn to pivot and build capabilities at scale while remaining profitable and optimizing costs.

Case study

Reconciling 80 million data points from 600 sources in 60 minutes

A multinational banking and financial services company’s growth had led to disparate financial systems and static data repositories for reporting and regulatory compliance. Financial visibility across the organization was minimal. Meanwhile, regulators had become more stringent, often demanding granular balance sheet details.

Teradata created a financial data foundation to reconcile data from a variety of sources and enable financial transformation. This led to month-end results within 5 days of close of month and 100% reconciliation of end-to-end front office and back office accounting data for all lines of business and over 1 billion transactions.


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