hub Bring Your Own LLM

Get faster ROI from gen AI with open LLMs

Deploy real-world generative AI use cases and unlock value faster with small or midsized open-source large language models (LLMs).

What it is

Choose the best LLM for every use case

Harness the power of small, midsized, and domain-specific LLMs from open-source AI providers like Hugging Face. ClearScape Analytics™ Bring Your Own LLM (BYO-LLM) makes it easy to deploy cost-effective open-source LLMs for valuable generative AI use cases.

Bring Your Own Large Language Model (BYO-LLM)

Stay agile

Keep pace with innovation. BYO-LLM empowers you to quickly switch to models with less vendor lock-in as more open LLMs come to market.


Optimize results

Customize and improve pre-trained models for better accuracy and efficiency, without retraining from scratch, with GPU-powered LLM inferencing and fine-tuning.

The Total Economic Impact™ of ClearScape Analytics

See how you can drive ROI with Trusted AI

How can ClearScape Analytics help you drive ROI from Trusted AI? We commissioned Forrester Consulting to find out. This 2024 study shows how models enabled by ClearScape Analytics drove $125 million in profits and 244% ROI over three years for a current Teradata customer.

The Total Economic Impact™ of Teradata ClearScape AnalyticsTM, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Teradata, January 2024

Other capabilities

Explore more ClearScape Analytics capabilities

ClearScape Analytics Demo
Free hands-on demo environment

Experience the most powerful engine for AI innovation

Get a free hands-on demo environment for ClearScape Analytics™, VantageCloud’s powerful engine for deploying end-to-end AI/ML pipelines. Explore 80+ AI/ML use cases across multiple industries and analytic functions—from broken digital journeys and energy consumption forecasting to fraud detection and much more.


Get ROI faster from gen AI with open LLMs

See how you can deploy real-world generative AI use cases and unlock value faster with ClearScape Analytics Bring Your Own LLM.

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